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Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes how we collect, use, disclose and save your personal data. Please keep in mind, we are an open platform, and anyone can see your profile (with personal data you select) and reviews you posted. Don't share anything you wouldn't share with a stranger on the street!

Why we collect your personal data

We collect and process your personal data carefully, only for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy and only to the extent necessary as defined therein and within the scope of the applicable legal regulations. We collect your data only based on your consent. The consent given can be revoked.

Data is stored only for the period you have a register account with us, or as we are legally obliged to do so.

Terms we use in this policy

When we say "website" or "platform", we mean all of Tickiwi's websites and applications.

When we say "we" we mean Tickiwi team.

When you use our Platform, you consent to our collection, use and disclosure of information about you as described in this Privacy policy.

1. Data we collect

We collect your personal data when you are creating an account with us, when you post a review or when you create a Business profile. For this purpose we collect the following data:

  • Contact information: Your first and last name, email address or any other contact details you might provide
  • Device information: Your IP address and browser settings (the type of browser you use, browser language, time zone)
  • User account information: Your user e-mail, password, photo and preferred language. If you connect your Tickiwi's account with social networks (Facebook, Google or LinkedIn), we may collect your name, e-mail address and profile photo
  • Business profile information: Your password, your company name and domain, your payment method(s) and other information you decide to provide about your business. For Payments, Tickiwi is using a third-party service called Stripe ( Your Payment information might be shared with Stripe. Please refer to their Privacy policy if you would like to know more.
  • Usage and profiling information: Your Tickiwi's search history, how you've interacted with our platform, time you spent on our platform, e-mails we sent you, marketing material you've opened and links you clicked on
  • Information about reviews and ratings, including:
    • Which businesses you reviewed
    • Which products and services your reviewed
    • Your review and star rating
    • Location of the Business your reviewed
    • The date and time of when you posted reviews or made changes

2. How we collect personal data

Majority of the data is collected when you create an account with us and based on your interaction with the platform.

Sometimes, information about you is given to use by third parties - for example, when you login with your social media account. In this case, your account is automatically fulfilled with your data. Another case would be, when a Business asks us to send invitations to write reviews for them. In this case, we get your name and your e-mail address.

3. Who controls your personal data?

You control your personal data, that you choose to share with us. If you include personal information in the content you post publicly, other users may be able to identify you or associate you with your account. Always be careful which data you share! You always have a right to change or delete your personal data.

All personal data associated with our platform are controlled by Tickiwi.

4. What is your personal data used for

We may use your personal data to:

  • Provide our services to you. This includes displaying your reviews and giving you access to your user account and our platform or providing you with access to your Business's account and our website.
  • Identify you as a user of our platform when you revisit the webpage
  • Improve our offering and user experience for all our members
  • Respond to your questions and offer customer service and support
  • Send you our newsletters
  • Engage in various internal Business purposes - for example data analytics, fraud monitoring, improving our user experience and user services, and for improving the quality of them.

If you have a personal account with Tickiwi, we may also use your personal data to:

  • Verify the authenticity of your reviews
  • Invite you to post more reviews
  • Pass on a message from the Business your reviewed
  • Contact you if your review is flagged or reported by businesses and if needed, ask you to provide some documentation to verify your review.
  • Notify you about how useful your reviews were to other members, and how many times they've been read.

If you have a Business profile with Tickiwi, we may also use your data to:

  • Notify you about reviews your Business is receiving
  • Verify the legitimacy of your replies to reviews.

We may also use the information in other ways for which we provide specific notice at the time of collection.

5. Who has access to your personal data?

5.1 Your personal data on Tickiwi

When you post a review, other member of our Tickiwi community will be able to see your name, your location (country), all reviews you've written and other information you chose to share with the community.

If you connect to a social network, information such as your profile photo, your name and approximate location will be collected from your social network profile and used to identify you on Tickiwi's platform.

5.2 Your personal data on Tickiwi when you create a Business profile for or on behalf of your Business.

When you create a Business profile on behalf of your Business, we will disclose your Business name, Business address, domain, country and other information your decided to provide in Business's account setup.

5.3 Your personal data shared with other services, websites and businesses

Tickiwi allows other businesses to display reviews posted on Tickiwi's website. This means that your review and profile can be accessed from other webpages.

Tickiwi is using Stripe to manage Payment and your Payment method information might be shared with them.

6. How long are your personal data stored

Your data will be stored for as long as it is needed or required for legal reasons. When there is no valid reason to keep your data, it will be anonymized so it cannot be related to you.

Personal data that you provide, including your reviews, is kept for as long as you keep the Tickiwi's account, or as needed to provide you with our services.

When you delete your account, your data will be anonymized.

7. How your data is kept safe and secure

Keeping your personal data secure is our highest priority. We use various technical and administrative measures to protect your data.

The servers where we store our data are located in Germany.

8. Cookies

We use cookies and other technologies to continually improve our services for you and to tailor our content to your needs. You can choose which Cookies to allow at any time by configuring the settings. You can also refuse all Cookies and still have access and good experience with the webpage.

We collect the following Cookies:

  • Analytics: We collect statistics to track the number of visitors, how our visitors interact with the webpage and how we can improve it. The collected data does not directly identify anyone.
  • Preferences: We store choices you made so that they are remember across visits in order to provide you a more personalized experience.
  • Advertising and tracking: Your browsing behaviour is tracked across websites by advertising and social network service providers. You may see tailored advertising and content on the other websites based on your browsing profile.

9. Your rights

You have the right to information, correction, erasure and portability of your data. You also have the right to restrict processing your data.

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. An objection only has future effect and does not affect previous processing. If, on account of the objection, Tickiwi is no longer able to perform the services agreed with you, the objection is deemed to be a breach of contract by the customer and Tickiwi has the right to terminate its contract (i.e. cancel your account) with you without notice.

Please note that the rights are not absolute, and that your request cannot always be met entirely. For example, sometimes we cannot delete or restrict the processing of your personal data as we may have legal obligations or contractual obligations to keep certain personal data.

10. Changes to this policy

This policy might change from time to time, to stay up to date with laws, regulations and industry standards.