MTC Pieter Keulen AG
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About MTC Pieter Keulen AG
Active rehabilitation and fitness training for patients and fitness customers are at the heart of the Medical Training Centre concept (MTC). All MTC instructors follow at least four years of physiotherapy training before they can pass on their knowledge in practice. The training is very thorough and includes medical orthopaedics, pneumology (pneumons), cardiology (heart) and physiology of the body. The MTC is also constantly guided by the latest university studies and integrates them into its training programs.
There are several fitness subscription offers. You can get an annual subscription from CHF 800. The MTC is qualitatively recognized. For you, this means that your health insurance will support your health training at the MTC with an amount between CHF 200 and CHF 600!
Visit our website Here you will find detailed information about the complete offer of MTC, physiotherapy and fitness. You can also take advantage of the many health tips on this site. If you have any further questions, call us.
Gruppentrainings im Medical Training Center Pieter Keulen - Gemeinsam mit Spass zum ErfolgUnseres Angebot
Fitness-Training in den Fitnesscentern in Emmenbrücke und Hochdorf
Netzwerk von SpezialistenDurch die Zusammenarbeit mit diversin Ärzten, Spezialisten, Sportmedizinern, Physiotherapeuten, Instruktoren und medizinischen Masseuren, profitieren Sie von unserem Netzwerk. Gemeinsam arisen wir dafür, dass Sie bald fitter werden!
Übersicht Preisen Medical Training Center Pieter Keulen AG
Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement (BGM) / Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung (BGF) mit Pieter Keulen
Sind Sie ein Unternehmen, in dem Sie und Ihre Mitarbeiter gesund und fit bleiben und optimale Leistung am Arbeitsplatz erbracht werden soll? Hier geht es zu unseres Angebot!
Gruppentrainings im Medical Training Center Pieter Keulen - Gemeinsam mit Spass zum...
Seetalstrasse 11
6020 Emmenbrücke
+41 412606868