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Human Care - Fisioterapia e Riabilitazione - Centro del Mal di Schiena

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About Human Care - Fisioterapia e Riabilitazione - Centro del Mal di Schiena

Rethink your wellbeing!

From Human Care the goal is to generate a change in the physical state but also in the emotional and mental approach adopted by the patient in relation to his pathology.

Physiotherapy becomes a support for the creation of healthy habits and the best management of its health and well-being, so that the benefit made remains constant and not limited to the single physiotherapy session.

The concept behind Human Care

Bio-Psico-Sociale approach

Every painful problem is maintained active by several factors at the same time. On the one hand, the presence of the trigger factor of symptomatology: a trauma, an accident, an injury or the chronicle of a previous problem (BIO). To this you can add the concern that the problem is serious and the influence of pain on your mood and quality of life (PSICO). All this has a negative repercussion on your lifestyle, on family or sports work capacity, acutting a situation that could be more easily solved if detected early and correctly (SOCIALE).

From Human Care all these factors are considered to offer a personalized treatment through a highly qualitative method based on the best scientific evidence, specific for the problematic and therefore the most effective and decisive possible.

The 3 components of the method adopted by Human Care

First, the physiotherapist dedicates the right time to listen to the patient during the first session of in-depth anamnesi and functional evaluation and helps him understand his pathology. Subsequently physiotherapy sessions will develop on three types of treatment adapted to the patient's needs.

The Centre

From Human Care everything is studied in detail to make the patient feel comfortable.

The studio is welcoming and bright, equipped with modern and cutting-edge facilities and has a reception.. .

Corso Elvezia 22
6900 Lugano



+41 912204991

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