Coiffure Riechsteiner
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About Coiffure Riechsteiner
The two-storey living room in a modern style is the top address of the Lucerne Agglomerate.
Counselling is the top priority of Coiffeur Riechsteiner. It is the basis for a perfect service, so that customers feel comfortable. The young team, very friendly and technically prepared knows how to read customer wishes from their lips. The Riechsteiner team assumes that only high quality products are used. Another specialty of Coiffeur Riechsteiner is the second perfectly integrated hairdressing studio.
- Wigs.
- Hair integration
- Hair.
- Extension
- Make-Up
- Wedding offer
Hairstyles for the wedding When it comes to hairstyles, all you like is allowed. Experts and trends setter agree: at the moment there are no particular trends in wedding hairstyles. The possibilities are too varied, the selection of cuts, techniques, colors and shapes too wide. Early advice is therefore the most important thing when it comes to planning styling for the big day. Eliane Etterlin-Riechsteiner, owner and CEO of Coiffure Riechsteiner in Emmenbrücke, agrees: "Fundamentally, everything is possible. The hairstyle must highlight the type of bride optimally and she must feel comfortable.
Jetzt gibt es passend zu unserem Lieblingsprodukt endlich die komplette Linie: Die SP Luxe Oil Collection mit wertvollen Ölen(Argan-, Mandel- und Jojobaöl) und Keratin schenkt dem Haar atemberaubende Geschmeidigkeit und aussergewöhnlichen Glanz.
Jetzt gibt es passend zu unserem Lieblingsprodukt endlich die komplette Linie: Die SP Luxe Oil Collection mit wertvollen Ölen(Argan-, Mandel- und Jojobaöl) und Keratin schenkt dem Haar atemberaubende Geschmeidigkeit und aussergewöhnlichen Glanz. Ein Stück Luxus für jeden Tag. Jetzt...
Gerliswilstrasse 84
6020 Emmenbrücke
+41 412802408