Carrosserie Mettraux SA
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About Carrosserie Mettraux SA
Located in the Gros-de-Vaud district, its Echallens coach offers all its know-how and sophisticated tools to offer you a full range of services, from repair and maintenance of your car to painting and polishing. A real connoisseur of the automotive world and holder of a federal CFC diploma in car painting and sheet metalworking,
Birbaum Blaise is a high voltage technician and the director of the family company Carrosserie Mettraux, created over 60 years ago in Echallens. Passionate and ambitious, it is kept updated on the innovations and innovations related to its specialization in different sectors, including straightening, polishing, windshield change, car painting, disassembly of car parts, sheet metal processing and welding.
Route de Cossonay 20
1040 Echallens
+41 218811101