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"can't wait"
Really very simple and fast, I got the tickets immediately by e-mail. I recommend
"Advertisement on the tariff not quite right"
Incorrect fare advertisement. Everywhere (in newspapers, on website, etc.) indicated special Christmas price CHF 60.-- . Then at the end you stick us with...
"Quick and positive"
"Advertisement on the tariff not quite right"
Incorrect fare advertisement. Everywhere (in newspapers, on website, etc.) indicated special Christmas price CHF 60.-- . Then at the end you stick us with...
"Quick and positive"
"Quick and easy"
"Quick and positive"
"Quick and easy"
"Quick and easy"
"Quick and easy"
"Quick and easy"
"Quick and easy"
"quick and easy"
"quick and easy"
"Rabadan Tickets"
No problem: everything went very fast and I was able to get the weekly ticket. Thank you and see you soon! Regards, Fulvio Biaggi
"quick and easy"
"Rabadan Tickets"
No problem: everything went very fast and I was able to get the weekly ticket. Thank you and see you soon! Regards, Fulvio Biaggi
"Smooth, quick and easy ticket purchase, payment system with various options, instant ticket receipt. Bravo!"
"Rabadan Tickets"
No problem: everything went very fast and I was able to get the weekly ticket. Thank you and see you soon! Regards, Fulvio Biaggi
"Smooth, quick and easy ticket purchase, payment system with various options, instant ticket receipt. Bravo!"
"I would describe it as positive. You are doing great! Keep up the good work."
"Smooth, quick and easy ticket purchase, payment system with various options, instant ticket receipt. Bravo!"
"I would describe it as positive. You are doing great! Keep up the good work."
"can't wait"
Really very simple and fast, I got the tickets immediately by e-mail. I recommend
"I would describe it as positive. You are doing great! Keep up the good work."
"can't wait"
Really very simple and fast, I got the tickets immediately by e-mail. I recommend
"Advertisement on the tariff not quite right"
Incorrect fare advertisement. Everywhere (in newspapers, on website, etc.) indicated special Christmas price CHF 60.-- . Then at the end you stick us with...
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